• after the war
The Battle of Hogwarts took place just months ago and with it, the end of Voldemort's second reign of terror. Magical creatures are scarcely found around the United Kingdom and Muggleborns are nearly depleted in numbers. Purebloods are almost just as bad off, as it would seem Halfbloods survived the best in odds.

After much debate with the new Ministry of Magic, new classes have been added and some old ones removed. The school has finally reopened after months of rebuilding, and students will return to hopefully rekindle the magical school to its former glory. Hogwarts will never be the same again, or will it? The new generation of students have arrived. The year 1998 will hopefully be a better year than the past few.

The Rules
The Sorting Hat
House Limitations
The Claims
New? Click here!!

• the staff
Head Admin : Primesge
Deputy Admin: Ian

Head of Slytherin: Primus
Head of Ravenclaw: CatinHat
Head of Gryffindor: Chesire
Head of Hufflepuff: Modball

• motms

(Since a month hasn't passed yet, I'll just put up a coming soon sort of ensemble.)

• affiliates

• terms and services

Current date/time is Tue Oct 15, 2024 4:30 pm

THE MUSE| 01-25-2014

Considering the site hasn't picked up as expected, the admins have decided to try their hand at something new. If you're interested in rpg/writing/graphics then feel free to join us here at [THE MUSE].
TERM ONE| 01-02-2014

Term has already started and there is no definite end date to the first term until we establish activity. So make sure your profiles and sorting hat are accepted and have at it. Have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!
  • • rising from the ashes

    Last Posts

    Hey, you! Got a question, or need to find out the names of moderators? Then this is the place to look. Here you can find our FAQ list, names of Moderators, house limitations and a list of awards and badges.

    7 Topics
    7 Posts
    Professor Positi...
    Sat Aug 03, 2013 10:57 am
    Primesge View latest post

    Sonorus! If you're looking to catch up on the latest announcements, this is the place to do it. Here you'll find nothing but announcements, straight from the horse's mouth. (More or less...)

    Getting Started! If you're new to the site, read the WALKTHROUGH first!

    7 Topics
    30 Posts
    Being a ghost ch...
    Sun Jan 05, 2014 7:30 pm
    Primesge View latest post

    Where old topics disappear to.

    2 Topics
    14 Posts
    Just need a brea...
    Sat Aug 10, 2013 4:18 pm
    Catarina Hernandez View latest post
  • • picking up the pieces

    Last Posts

    Oh, you may not think I'm pretty
    But don't judge on what you see
    I'll eat myself if you can find
    A smarter hat than me.
    You can keep your bowlers black
    Your top hats sleek and tall,
    For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat
    And I can cap them all.
    There's nothing hidden in your head
    The Sorting Hat can't see,
    So put me on and I will tell you
    Where you ought to be.

    4 Topics
    6 Posts
    Sun Jan 05, 2014 7:22 pm
    Primesge View latest post
  • 20 Topics
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    Rider English
    Sat Jan 04, 2014 10:32 am
    Primesge View latest post

    This is where claim lists can be found; particularly face, power and creature claims. Also found here are club sign-up lists and the rosters for the house Quidditch teams.

    16 Topics
    17 Posts
    Power & Creature...
    Fri Jun 07, 2013 10:44 pm
    Primesge View latest post
  • • transportation

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  • PLATFORM 9 3/4

    Located at King's Cross, Platform 9 3/4 is where Hogwarts students go to take the Hogwarts Express.

    1 Topics
    3 Posts
    Mime-ber me?
    Sun Jul 07, 2013 11:50 pm
    Sebastien Merrick View latest post

    The Knight Bus is a triple-decker, violently purple bus which has The Knight Bus written over it's windshield in gold letters. The Knight Bus provides emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard; all they need to do is hold out their wand hand. It is also possible to book a seat on the Knight Bus for trips around Britain.

    1 Topics
    4 Posts
    Let The Rain Com...
    Thu Jan 02, 2014 10:38 pm
    Caius Thrussington View latest post
  • • media and communication

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    Located in the south side of Diagon Alley, the Daily Prophet promises nothing but the best of news for its readers. They pride themselves on being able to get the most important news out faster than its competition. It's the top newspaper for all those with magic at their fingertips, and they will fight to remain in that spot.

    1 Topics
    1 Posts
    May 9th Issue - ...
    Fri Jun 21, 2013 3:31 am
    Frederick Exhalt View latest post

    The Meddler equates to one word; Gossip. It's an anonymous, completely random paper that's circulated around the school containing the latest scopp and prattle about the various students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. No one knows who sends them, and for some weird reason the professors don't seem to have a clue they exist.

    1 Topics
    18 Posts
    So you think you...
    Mon Jun 03, 2013 8:37 am
    Aaron Reed View latest post

    The only wizarding post office we ever hear of, where at least three hundred owls, from Great Grays to tiny Scops ("Local Deliveries Only"), wait to carry messages. They sit on shelves that are color-coded, depending on how fast you want your letter to get to its destination. It is also referred to as an "owl office".

    NOTE: You should own an owl to be able to use this.

    0 Topics
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  • • inside hogwarts castle

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    Not all dungeons are dark and cold, and truly it depends on where you visit here at Hogwarts. We have the Party Hall for the Ghosts, who often celebrate important Deathdays, and the Potions classes are taught here as well. The Head of Slytherin's office is also here, along with the Quidditch Cave, the potion-mixing room, and many other places to explore or avoid as you please.

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    The Great Hall is the most visited room here; this is where the students eat, receive owl posts, and hold special events such as the Yule Ball. Other rooms that can be found include Filch's office, though you never want to be there, the Transfiguration Courtyard and Department, the Courtyard where students relax and chat, the Viaduct surrounding the lake, and many classrooms and corridors. It also holds the Entrance Hall, which connects most of the dungeons and First Floor to the ground floor, and the Chamber of Reception, where students are kept while awaiting their Sorting.

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    The first floor is home to mostly classrooms. Most notably, the Defense Against the Dark Arts, Muggle Studies and History of Magic classrooms. And, while this floor is safe from the pervading damp of the dungeons or the crowds on the ground floor, beware of the staircases, which can change at any time.

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    Like most of the first floor, the second floor is mostly unused rooms, or rooms used for storage. However, a certain infamous bathroom is also located on this floor; Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. Not only did it once contain the passageway to the Chamber of Secrets, Myrtle still haunts the pipes, lying in wait for the next unlucky soul who must endure her tales of woe. It also holds the Defense against the Dark Arts Professor's office.

    1 Topics
    38 Posts
    Don't you ever l...
    Sat Jan 11, 2014 6:32 pm
    Roz Turner View latest post

    The third floor is the place to go for the ill or injured, the proud and or the clever. This floor houses the hospital wing, the trophy room and the charms classroom.

    1 Topics
    9 Posts
    When You Come a ...
    Wed Jan 15, 2014 11:02 pm
    Casey Aldridge View latest post

    This floor not only holds the library, it also holds Professor Binns' office. There is a storage room that is said to have once held Desire itself, and the bathroom where a boy reappeared after falling into a Vanishing Cabinet. Otherwise, this is a quiet floor mostly used for studying.

    0 Topics
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    The fifth floor is mostly unused classrooms. Some students seeking to avoid the crowds on the main stairways shortcut through on their way to other floors, but otherwise the traffic is mostly prefects looking to use the prefect's washroom.

    0 Topics
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    The East Wing here is a common place for students to spend time with friends outside their classes and common rooms – the fireplace makes for a cozy area. The Study of Ancient Runes is conducted here, along with Ancient Studies and Transfiguration. There is a Professor's office here as well. There is a boy's lavatory and a disused where students are known to cause mischief.

    1 Topics
    1 Posts
    Lost and Proud o...
    Sun Jan 05, 2014 11:36 pm
    Casey Aldridge View latest post

    On the seventh floor you can find the Divination classroom and the Room of Requirement. Professor Trelawney still holds court in the airy Divination classroom, but the room of requirement seems to be oddly resistant to revealing itself to anyone.

    0 Topics
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    Various towers spike above the Hogwarts roof line, each housing two or three notable locations. The headmaster's office in one, the owlery in another. Not to mention Ravenclaw tower, the Astronomy tower and the clock tower.

    3 Topics
    49 Posts
    Headmasters neve...
    Sat Jan 11, 2014 12:32 am
    Caius Thrussington View latest post
  • • common rooms

    Last Posts

    You might belong in Gryffindor,
    Where dwell the brave at heart,
    Their daring, nerve and chivalry,
    Set Gryffindors apart;

    1 Topics
    1 Posts
    Class Schedule ...
    Mon Jun 24, 2013 11:00 am
    Primesge View latest post

    You might belong in Hufflepuff
    Where they are just and loyal,
    Those patient Hufflepuffs are true,
    And unafraid of toil;

    1 Topics
    1 Posts
    Class Schedule ...
    Mon Jun 24, 2013 11:02 am
    Primesge View latest post

    Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw
    If you've a ready mind;
    Where those of wit and learning
    Will always find their kind;

    1 Topics
    1 Posts
    Class Schedule ...
    Mon Jun 24, 2013 11:03 am
    Primesge View latest post

    Or perhaps in Slytherin
    You'll meet your real friends.
    Those cunning folk use any means
    To achieve their ends.

    1 Topics
    1 Posts
    Class Schedule...
    Mon Jun 24, 2013 11:03 am
    Primesge View latest post
  • • outside hogwarts castle

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    Be on your toes as you explore the Greenhouses. At first, the Greenhouses are not so bad, full of wonderful magical creatures to learn about and start studying the mysteries of Herbology with. But sooner or later, you'll have to begin to hold nastier, meaner, more dangerous beings, only meant to be handled by those more experienced with the help of a Professor.

    2 Topics
    2 Posts
    Herbology Course...
    Sun Aug 04, 2013 9:38 am
    Darcy Harlow Cody View latest post

    A quadrangle in Hogwarts Castle. A covered stone cloister with an open colonnade runs around it, and two checkpoint towers flank its entryway via the Viaduct. Here is a stone walkway leading from this courtyard into The Quad. The courtyard is partially paved, in a cross pattern. A popular hang-out spot for students of all Houses, this courtyard is where some students spend their spare time playing Gobstones.

    0 Topics
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    The dark waters of the Black Lake are the welcoming sight to each and every first year here at Hogwarts; it is on its waters that they see the castle for the first time. But the lake is full of more magic than just witnessed that one night -watch out for the Giant Squid, be sure that the mermaids don’t lure you under the inky waters, and surely, if you look closely, you may see the remains of a fish rumored to have once belonged to an old Professor, that met an unfortunate fate a while back.

    2 Topics
    10 Posts
    The Cards You We...
    Tue Jan 07, 2014 12:35 am
    Aaron Reed View latest post

    It is here that brave witches and wizards make or break it out on the field. The freshly cut grass, the three large hoops on either side of the field, and the excitement that permeates the air whenever someone steps onto the pitch are all things that make up Hogwarts' finest sports. Feel free to drift around on your broom, but do be cautious not to try and perform dastardly tricks like the Wronski Feint. Our nurse doesn't take too kindly to having to patch up bones and bruises from something that could have been easily avoided.

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    The very name warns you away, yet many a student strays into the Forbidden Forest. Home to some of the most dangerous creatures around Hogwarts, only those excelling in Care of Magical Creatures should ever go into the forest without the groundskeeper or a professor – and ONLY with permission and preparation.

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    The Whomping Willow is a very valuable, very violent species of magical plant. Whomping Willows attack anyone and anything that comes within range of its branches. A deciduous plant, its limbs function as arms and any damage to them must be treated in much the same way. STUDENTS STAY AWAY. You were warned.

    1 Topics
    2 Posts
    Funny, I Remembe...
    Mon Jan 06, 2014 8:36 pm
    Roger Davies View latest post

    The Stone Circle is, as its name suggests, a circle of giant stones that is on the grounds of Hogwarts just outside of the Covered Bridge (which was completely destroyed during the great war that occured at Hogwarts). The circle is a sundial.

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  • • the wizarding world

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    Hogsmeade is the only entirely wizarding village in Britain. According to tradition it was founded over a thousand years ago, around the same time as Hogwarts, by Hengist of Woodcroft as he was fleeing persecution by Muggles. It's a picturesque little village of thatched cottages and shops, with enchanted candles hanging in the trees during the holidays

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    Tapping just the right brick in the wall behind the Leaky Cauldron in London ("Three up...two across...") will reveal an archway which is a portal into Diagon Alley, a long cobbled street where is to be found a strange and exciting assortment of shops and restaurants. It is unquestionably the hub of commerce in the British wizarding world, with virtually every wizarding business stationed there.

    10 Topics
    57 Posts
    Wands Registry...
    Mon Jan 06, 2014 12:05 am
    Casey Aldridge View latest post

    Partway down Diagon Alley, near its intersection with Knockturn Alley, stands an imposing snow-white marble building: Gringotts Wizarding Bank. "Towering over the other shops", it is the place where British witches and wizards store their money and other valuables, in vaults miles below ground. The vaults are heavily guarded - as Hagrid says, "yeh'd be mad teh try an' rob it."

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    Founded in late 1500s or early 1600s by Mungo Bonham, St. Mungo's Hospital is the primary (and likely only) wizarding hospital in Britain. Located in an abandoned department store in London, the hospital's Healers treat wizards for all sorts of magic-related illnesses and injuries, and in extreme circumstances has been known to treat Muggles as well. The hospital's logo is a wand and a bone, crossed, and donations are welcome.

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  • • building a home

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    A beautiful village off in the West Country, Godric’s Hollow is known as a wonderful place for wizards and witches to settle, though it is not a completely magical population. This area has served as home to many well-known wizarding families, including the Dumbledores, the Bagshots, and it was the home of the Potters until He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named’s fateful attack. A mostly peaceful village, however, this remains a popular spot for wizards to settle down and start their own families.

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    Across the world there are multiple muggle-wizard settlements, and wizards have been known to settle around muggle settlements and simply keep a low profile within the community. Known examples include wizarding communities and residences within major cities like London and Dublin, and wizarding communities in towns like Ottery St. Catchpole.

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  • • the muggle world

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  • OTHER PLACES (not sure about this yet)

    Muggle cities, communities and homes. While wizards might be wary of living among muggles due to the Statute of Secrecy, these areas are home to many magical folk, muggleborn or otherwise.

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  • • leaving behind the tears

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    Works of words are magic in themselves. Who, after all, can deny that books and tales can take you to other worlds, share both tales of woe that tug your heartstrings and stories of triumph that make you cheer as if you yourself were there? This is where you’ll find the Portkeys to others’ stories and fictions.

    3 Topics
    4 Posts
    Of Child-age and...
    Sat Jan 25, 2014 9:07 pm
    Roz Turner View latest post

    Art is magical. It’s well known for people to stare at even the Muggle still art, enjoy the mix of colors and hidden messages. These pages are full of art drawn, edited or enhanced by fans and each page holds special meaning to students here at Hogwarts.

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    This is the board where one can get to know one's fellow roleplayers out of character. You can play games and chat, make suggestions for the site, and if you have a question that isn't covered in the FAQ, you can ask it here.

    11 Topics
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    The Banning Game...
    Tue Jan 07, 2014 6:03 pm
    Roz Turner View latest post

    Think your site deserves more members? Are you ready to accept more people into your magical school of choice? Our advertisement arena is more than ready to receive your information into helping your own sites take off, so go ahead and post within our borders. You won't regret it.

    If you are encountering any difficulties posting your ads or affliates here, please email the admin at godgryffin@gmail.com

    First Links | Link Backs | Affliating

    41 Topics
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    Lochland Grove[j...
    Fri Jun 06, 2014 3:40 pm
    LG Team  View latest post
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